The enharmonic spelling chosen for the Tuning / Key signature option for guitar tab staff types is now correctly saved, and will not change when the score is re-opened.Clicking a note in the Percussion page of Edit Staff Type now plays it back through the chosen playback device.Page numbers no longer appear justified to the wrong edge of the page in the preview window of the Layout > Document Setup dialog.It's now possible to switch off the Use custom chord symbol option when editing a chord diagram.Deleting a rest at the start of a bar that begins with a group of beamed notes no longer causes Sibelius to beam the notes to a beamed group at the end of the previous bar.One of the improvements of Optical beam positions is that cross-staff beams now use flat beams by default.Dragging the left-hand end of the beam now drags the entire beam.dotted eighth followed by sixteenth) will now always produce flat beams. Beamed dotted rhythms on the same pitch (e.g.Except in extreme circumstances, the angle of a beam will no longer change as the spacing expands and contracts.Sibelius is now able to correctly determine the stem direction of all notes under a beam, enabling improvements in note spacing (in particular, in cases where Sibelius does not allow enough space because it expects the stem is pointing in the opposite direction to that in which it would point if it were unbeamed), ties (which no longer appear to flip over page breaks as you drag the score around), and magnetic slurs (which no longer flip over page breaks).Start repeat barlines at the start of the system are now spaced correctly and do not collide with key signatures etc.It's now possible to drag articulations above rests independently of the rests themselves (this does not apply to bar rests).

Arrange no longer adds dynamics to staves to which it adds no notes.The following problems from earlier versions of Sibelius have been fixed in Sibelius 4: Arrange